About Us

What is Empower Group Care

A comprehensive group home and residential facilities management platform, placing your data securely in the cloud to improve resident care, enhance team collaboration, improve oversight and enhance your quality assurance program.

What does Empower Group Care do?

We empower team productivity and collaboration for better resident care.

Empower Group Care is an all in one integrated group homes and residential facilities management platform that empowers the successful execution of your Quality Assurance Program – monitor, evaluate, analyze, and promote continuous improvements in the daily operational processes resulting in improved resident care.

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What is Empower Group Care Used for?

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Record all logs in a central location and eliminate paper logbooks.

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Improve staff productivity, collaboration and accountability and management oversight.

Keep staff eligible to work by staying on top of expiring certifications, continuing education, and background checks.

Provide a secure space for clinicians to save and connect clinical notes to logbook entries, individual and group sessions, and program activities.

Get a comprehensive view of all resident data from a secure and central location.

Empower Group Care Leadership

Our leadership team is excited to offer Empower Group Care to Group Care facilities and the diverse community of individuals who are involved and invested in the daily care and maintenance of the facility, staff, residents, as well as local, state, and federal stakeholders.

In order to maximize the impact of Empower Group Care, our leadership team is comprised of a strategically selected group of diverse professionals with various areas of expertise. We share a simple goal: to improve the experience and performance of resident care for all, living in, working at, consulting with, checking on, or managing any group home facility.

By leveraging our professional expertise our leadership team can provide “out of the box” perspectives which identify challenges and furnish solutions making the greatest impact. Therefore, the collaborative, mutually beneficial relationship between our leadership team and our contracted agencies, creates an intellectual synergy that supports lasting results through the implementation of Empower Group Care.

We are grateful to collectively share decades of experience and expertise in distinct, but related, relevant disciplines including (but not limited to) Data Management and Security, Human Resources, Curriculum Design, Human Development, Task Management, Marketing, Organizational Leadership, Logistics, Accounting, Program Evaluation, Business Management.

We deeply understand the challenges associated with striving to support and enhance the experiences of individuals charged under our care with limited resources. We developed Empower Group Care to be affordable and allow “non-traditional” service providers an equal platform to compete and thrive in a business sector they are committed. With that in mind, it is the hope of Empower Group Care to provide a vehicle where each individual person who might connect or communicate with or for the needs and interests of the residents can reduce the time and effort required to fulfill their role thus increasing the impact and efficiency of their program.

Get started with Empower Group Care today

Begin your digital transformation or schedule an online demonstration.