Dealing with COVID-19 outbreaks for residential facilities

Maintain safe operations and a healthy working and living environment with Empower Group Care

Plan, prepare and manage COVID-19 prevention, response efforts, quarantine and compliance.

Plan and prepare

Benefits of Empower Group Care
COVID-19 Response Solutions

  • Prevent outbreaks
  • Implement COVID-19 emergency operations plans
  • Meet compliance
  • Securely manage data
  • Communicate with staff
  • Maintain safe operations

How Empower Group Care COVID-19 Response Solutions Works

EGC is a comprehensive group home and residential facilities management platform empowering management and staff to get back to work safely and confidently.

Staff and Resident Setup

Staff and Resident records are added, and automated tasks are created.

Daily Check-ins

Staff and residents are checked daily for symptoms and recorded in COVID-19 log.

Task Case Creation

Tasks are created to ensure visibility and follow-up once staff or resident symptoms are identified.

Daily facility Maintenance

Automated task reminders are sent to staff to check prevention supplies and clean the facility.


Staff, residents and guests who may have been exposed are notified and prevented from returning to the facility during their quarantine.

Outbreak Mitigated

Empower Group Care provides the tools to keep your staff, residents and guests safe.

What you get with EGC COVID-19 Response Solutions


A Snapshot of COVID-19 cases

Be Proactive

View a snapshot of all COVID-19 cases and the steps taken to manage the outbreak and keep staff and residents safe.

Stay compliant

Abate liability

Meet OSHA, CDC and governing agency guidelines.

Outbreaks contained

Healthy staff and residents = SUCCESS

Have peace of mind with healthy staff and residents.

Swift and effective communication

Automated alerts notify anyone who may have been exposed and support staff and continue to receive automated alerts to ensure a safe return.

Hassle-free to set up and implement

Use it now, when you need it

Get started quickly with rapid implementation.

Get started with Empower Group Care today

Begin using COVID-19 Response solutions and schedule an online demonstration.