Website Package Terms

Empower Group Care Website Package is a combination of web site design, cloud operations, support, and related ongoing services. We will setup the new website on our cloud platform and ensure that the site is up and performing optimally. You will administer the web site and content for the duration of the term, leveraging our ongoing services and supporting teams to ensure the site operates as expected. Your solution level and deliverables are determined by the items on Your Order Form and applicable Statements of Work. The Empower Group Care Website Package is built on Empower Group Care, Empower CMS or WordPress, a third-party Content Management System (CMS).

When built on WordPress, the Empower Group Care Website Package may not employ all the features or functionality available in full WordPress solution. Moreover, Empower Group Care is not responsible for or able to modify the design or user interface of the WordPress CMS system.

Empower Group Care’s standard Scope of Customer Support terms can be found at Please note that when built on WordPress, Empower Group Care only supports the WordPress components used to deliver your Empower Group Care Website Package. Empower Group Care does not support native functionality that may be created by the WordPress community.

Your Responsibilities

To use Empower Group Care Website Package, You must:
a. Purchase a Empower Group Care Website Package Subscription.
b. Identify to Empower Group Care (by providing name and contact information including email address) the “Primary Contact” for Empower Group Care Website Solution (i) who has the authority to make website-related requests and (ii) with whom Empower Group Care will communicate on website-related matters. If a Primary Contact is not properly identified, We shall have the right to deem Your contact for this agreement as Your “Primary Contact”.
c. Administer security within the Solution (e.g., granting of rights to a user for a specific form in the applications). You are also responsible for maintaining Your users’ desktops and providing users with network access to Empower Group Care Website Package.
d. Provide connectivity and secure access to the Internet for Your locations to provide adequate access from the Solution(s) or to Empower Group Care Website Package secure platform.
e. Use reasonable precautions to ensure security for integration between applications at the Your site and Empower Group Care Website Package.
f. Promptly advise Empower Group Care in advance of any changes to Your operations, Primary Contact, or other information that would require a change in the support, operation, or configuration of the cloud applications.
g. (i) Use Empower Group Care Website Package only for Your legitimate internal business purposes, (ii) not use Empower Group Care Website Package for load testing, and (iii) not sell or provide, directly or indirectly, any portion of Empower Group Care Website Package to any third party.
h. Maintain and observe all reasonable security measures to protect Your systems, including the Solution(s) and the data contained therein, from unauthorized control, tampering, or other unauthorized access.

Terms Subject to Change

These Empower Group Care Website Package Terms are subject to change in Empower Group Care’s sole discretion. In the event of any such change, Empower Group Care shall post a revision of these Terms at https://www.Empowergroup and Your continued use of Empower Group Care Website Package shall be subject to such revised terms.

Last updated July 1, 2020